Translate Testleri 9
Translate Testleri 9
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Soru 1 |
İş yerinizdeki ve evdeki başarınızın çoğu, çalışanlar, müşteriler ve aile üyeleri ile etkili iletişim kurabilme yeteneğinize bağlıdır.
A | If you are successful at work and at home, then you will be able to communicate with employees, customers and family members effectively. |
B | In order to communicate with employees, clients and family members efficiently, you must be very successful at work and at home. |
C | Effective communication with employees, customers and family members relies mostly upon your success and ability at work and at home. |
D | Much of your success at work and at home depends upon your ability to communicate with employees, customers and family members effectively. |
E | When you communicate with employees, clients and family members effectively, you will be most successful at work and at home. |
Soru 2 |
Sigmund Freud’un düşüncelerinin etkisi, toplumsal bilimlerde olduğu kadar sanat, edebiyat ve felsefede de hissedilmiştir,
A | The impact of Sigmund Freud’s ideas has not been felt as strongly in art. literature and philosophy as in social sciences. |
B | Sigmund Freud’s ideas ''ave influenced the feelings in art, literature and philosophy, as well ? n social sciences. |
C | Art. literature and philosophy, as well as social sciences, have been affected by Sigmund Freud’s ideas- |
D | One can feel the influence of Sigmund Freud’s ideas in art, literature and philosophy, as well as in social sciences. |
E | The impact of Sigmund Freud’s ideas has been felt in art, literature and philosophy, as well as in social sciences. |
Soru 3 |
İnsanların sahip olduğu hayat standardı ne kadar yüksek olursa, hayatlarının herhangi bir döneminde ciddi bir hastalık geçirme olasılığı o kadar az olacaktır.
A | When the living standards people have are better, the probability of their suffering from a serious illness in later periods of their lives will decrease. |
B | If the living standards people have are high, they will probably not suffer from a serious illness at any period in their lives. |
C | The higher the living standards people have, the less likely they will be to suffer from a serious illness at any period in their lives. |
D | People should have higher standards of life in order to reduce the probability of suffering from a serious illness in later periods of their lives. |
E | People who have had a high standard of life do not normally suffer from a serious illness in later periods of their lives. |
Soru 4 |
Ne romantik aşk ne de onun evlilikle ilişkisi insanın doğuştan özellikleri olarak kabul edileKıir, çünkü bunlar tümüyle toplumsal etkiler tarafından biçimlendirilir.
A | Romantic love is associated with marriage, but it is not an inborn feature of man because it is generally shaped by social influences. |
B | Romantic love is not regarded as an inborn feature of man. nor is its association with marriage, which are both mainly shaped by social influences. |
C | Neither romantic love nor its association with marriage can be accepted as inborn features of man since these are entirely shaped by social influences. |
D | The inborn features of man do not include romantic love and its association with marriage, thus they are completely shaped by social influences. |
E | It is mainly social influence that shapes romantic love and its association with marriage, so they cannot be accepted as inborn Matures of man. |
Soru 5 |
Eğer bugün nükleer savaş tehdidiyle karşı karşıya kalıyorsak, bu insanoğlunun her zaman dışarıya bir çıkış yolu bulacak saldırgan içgüdülere sahip olmasından dolayıdır.
A | If human beings didn’t have aggressive instincts that will always find an outlet, we wouldn’t be facing the threat of nuclear war today. |
B | If we are facing the threat of nuclear war today, this is because human beings have aggressive instincts that will always find an outlet. |
C | Whenever the aggressive instincts of human beings tend to seek an outlet, we will be lacing the threat of nuclear war. |
D | Nowadays, the aggressive instincts of human beings can easily find an outlet, so we are in danger of facing a nuclear war. |
E | We’re now facing the threat of nuclear war because today the aggressive instincts of human beings are trying to find an outlet. |
Soru 6 |
Birleşik Krallık'ta intihar oranı İspanya'dakinin yaklaşık dört katıdır, ama Macaristan’daki oranın yalnızca üçte biridir.
A | The suicide rate in the United Kingdom is four times that of in Spain, whose suicide rate is only one third of the rate in Hungary. |
B | The suicide rate in Spain is only one-fourth that of in the United Kingdom, but it is three times the rate in Hungary. |
C | Although the suicide rate in the United Kingdom is four times that of in Spain, it is only three times that of in Hungary. |
D | The suicide rate in the United Kingdom is about four times that of in Spain, but only one third of the rate in Hungary. |
E | The suicide rate in the United Kingdom is one fourth of the rate in Spain, yet it is three times that of in Hungary. |
Soru 7 |
İnsanlar sigarayı bıraktığında, tütünle bağlantılı hastalıklara yakalanma tehlikesi azalır.
A | When people give up smoking, the risk of developing tobacco-related diseases declines. |
B | If people give up smoking, they may not go down with diseases caused by tobacco. |
C | People are giving up smoking in order to reduce the risk of developing tobacco-related diseases. |
D | Tobacco-related diseases are less likely to affect people once they have given up smoking. |
E | People are unlikely to pass away as a consequence of diseases caused by smoking if they give up this habit. |
Soru 8 |
Spor salonlarında, kurallara mutlaka uyun ve tabanları kaymayan ayakkabılar giyin.
A | It is important to obey orders and wear shoes with non-slippery soles in gymnasiums. |
B | In gymnasiums, you should obey the rules and wear shoes whose soles prevent slipping. |
C | You had better obey the orders in gymnasiums and wear shoes whose soles keep you from slipping. |
D | Make sure you obey the orders in gymnasiums and wear shoes in order not to slip. |
E | In gymnasiums, make sure you obey the rules and wear shoes with non-slippery soles. |
Soru 9 |
Hutular, Burundi ve Rwanda’nm nüfusunu oluşturan üç etnik gruptan biridir, diğer ikisi ise Twa ve Tutsilerdir.
A | The populations of Burundi and Rwanda consist of three ethnic groups, which are the Hutu, the Twa and the Tutsi. |
B | The Hutu, the Twa and the Tutsi are the three ethnic groups which constitute the populations of Burundi and Rwanda. |
C | The Hutu are one of the three ethnic groups that constitute the populations of Burundi and Rwanda, the other two being the Twa and the Tutsi. |
D | There are mainly three ethnic groups, the Hutu, the Twa and the Tutsi, that constitute the populations of Burundi and Rwanda. |
E | The Hutu within the populations of Burundi and Rwanda are more than the other two cthnic groups, the Twa and the Tutsi. |
Soru 10 |
"Kalem kılıçtan daha güçlüdür” deyişi, yazılı sözün fiziksel güçten daha etkili olduğu anlamına gelir.
A | The expression "The pen is mightier than the sword," means that, to be effective, it is better to use the written word than physical power. |
B | The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword." means that sometimes words can have a more powerful effect than physical power. |
C | The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword," means that the written words can achieve more than physical power can. |
D | The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword," means that the written word is more effectual than physical power. |
E | The expression "The pen is mightier than the sword," means that, physical power cannot be as effective as the written word. |
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