Translate Testleri 4
Translate Testleri 4
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Soru 1 |
Yamyamlıkla ilgili ilk hikayeler zaman zaman abartılmış ya da yanlış olsa da, bu uygulama Batı ve Orta Afrika’nın bazı bölümlerinde modern zamanlara kadar hüküm sürmüştür.
A | Though early accounts of cannibalism were occasionally exaggerated or in error, the practice prevailed until modern times in parts of West and Central Africa. |
B | Early accounts of cannibalism may occasionally have been exaggerated or incorrect, but the practice certainly persisted in parts of West and Central Africa until modern times. |
C | Some early accounts of cannibalism were exaggerated or in error, yet the practice definitely existed and prevailed in parts of West and Central Africa until modem times. |
D | Cannibalism, of which early accounts were often exaggerated or incorrect, is known to have been practised until modern times in parts of West and Central Africa. |
E | There are exaggerated or incorrect accounts of early cannibalism, a practice which persisted in parts of West and Central Africa until modern times. |
Soru 2 |
Colorado Nehri ve kollan üzerinde yirmiden fazla baraj inşa edilmiştir; bunun sonucu olarak nehir California Körfezi’ne ancak kesintilerle ulaşmaktadır.
A | Because of more than twenty dams that have been built on the Colorado River and its tributaries, the river reaches the Gulf of California only intermittently. |
B | More than twenty dams have been built on the Colorado River and its tributaries; as a result of this, the river reaches the Gulf of California only intermittently. |
C | There are over twenty dams built on the Colorado River and its tributaries, which causes the river Lo reach the Gulf of California only intermittently. |
D | The reason why the Colorado River reaches the Gulf of California only intermittently is that over twenty dams have been built on the river and its tributaries. |
E | The Colorado River, which reaches the Gulf of California only intermittently. lias more than twenty dams built on it and its tributaries. |
Soru 3 |
Albert Camus 1957'de Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü’nü alınca, tipik alçakgönüllülüğüyle, ’’ödülü veren komitede olsaydım, oyumu André Malraux’ya verirdim," demiştir.
A | Albert Camus, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, remarked afterwards, with characteristic modesty, "had i been in the awarding committee, I would have selected André Malraux." |
B | When Albert Camus received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. he said, with characteristic modesty, "had I been in the awarding committee, I would have voted for André Malraux.” |
C | "Had I been in the awarding committee, I would have voted for André Malraux." was what Albert Camus said modestly, which was typical of him, when he received Lhe Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. |
D | Modesty was a typical characteristic of Albert Camus, who said, when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, "had I been in Lhe awarding committee, I would have voted for André Malraux." |
E | Albert Camus was so modest that when he received the Nobel Prize for LiteraLure in 1957, he said, "had I been in the awarding committee, I would have voted for André Malraux." |
Soru 4 |
Temelde aynı olsalar da, bu arabanın yeni modeli ilave birkaç özelliğe sahiptir.
A | A few features have been added to the new model, yet it is still basically the same as this one. |
B | They are basically the same, but several features have been added to the new model of this car. |
C | Even though these two cars are mostly the same, several features have been added to the new model. |
D | These two models are the same for the most part, though the new model has a few added features. |
E | Although they are basically the same, the new model of this car has several added features. |
Soru 5 |
Temsili demokraside vatandaşlar, siyasi kararlar alma hakkını bireysel olarak değil, kendileri tarafından seçilen ve onlara karşı sorumlu olan temsilciler aracılığıyla kullanır.
A | In representative democracy, by choosing representatives who are responsible to them, citizens actually exercise the right to make political decisions. |
B | In representative democracy, representatives chosen by citizens are responsible to them, who. in this way, exercise their right to make political decisions. |
C | In representative democracy, citizens exercise the right to make political decisions, but not in person; instead they choose representatives, who are responsible to them. |
D | In representative democracy, citizens exercise the right to make political decisions not in person but through representatives chosen by and responsible to them. |
E | In representative democracy, instead of exercising the right to make political decisions in person, citizens choose representatives and give them responsibility. |
Soru 6 |
Alman eyaletleri, özellikle eğitim, fınans ve polis teşkilatı gibi alanlarda, federal yapı içerisinde önemli ölçüde siyasi özerkliğe sahiptir.
A | Political autonomy within the federal structure has been given to German states particularly in such areas as education, finance and law enforcement. |
B | German states enjoy considerable political autonomy within the federal structure, especially in such areas as education, finance and law enforcement. |
C | Political autonomy enjoyed by German states within the federal structure covers exclusively the areas of education, finance and law enforcement. |
D | German states, which have considerable political autonomy within the federal structure, are particularly free in the areas of education, finance and law enforcement. |
E | Education, finance and law enforcement are some of The areas in which German states enjoy significant political autonomy within the federal structure. |
Soru 7 |
Teorik olarak, internet aracılığıyla herkes dünyanın herhangi bir yerindeki herhangi biriyle iletişim kurabilir, fakat pratikte bu, ancak kişinin belli bir düzeyde İngilizcesi varsa mümkündür.
A | In theory, anybody can communicate through the Internet with anybody else anywhere in the world, but in practice, this is only possible if the person has a certain level of English. |
B | It is only in theory that anybody can communicate through the Internet with anybody else anywhere in the world because, in practice, this requires the person to know a certain amount of English. |
C | Although in theory it is possible for anybody to communicate through the Internet with anybody else anywhere in the world, in practice, the person can only do this with a certain level of English. |
D | That anybody can communicate through the Internet with anybody else anywhere in the world is only theoretically correct since, in practice, this is not possible without a certain amount of English. |
E | Theoretically, the Internet makes it possible for anybody to communicate with anybody else anywhere in the world, but in practice, only for those who have a certain level of English. |
Soru 8 |
Roma İmparatorluğu’nun çöküşünden 15. yüzyılın ortalarına kadar, Avrupa, Asya ve Kuzey Afrika'nın tarihi neredeyse kesintisiz istilalar ve fetihler dizisinden oluşur.
A | The period from the collapse of the Roman Empire until the middle of the 15th century witnessed an almost unbroken series of invasions and conquests in the history of Europe, Asia and North Africa. |
B | In the history of Europe. Asia and North Africa, there is a period, from The collapse of the Roman Empire until the middle of the 15th century. which is marked by unceasing invasions and conquests. |
C | From the collapse of the Roman Empire until the middle of the 15th century, the history of Europe, Asia and North Africa consists of an almost unbroken series of invasions and conquests. |
D | The history of Europe, Asia and North Africa after the collapse of the Roman Empire consists of nothing but unceasing invasions and conquests until the middle of the 15th century. |
E | After the collapse of the Roman Empire, Europe, Asia and North Africa were shaken by an almost unbroken series of invasions and conquests until the middle of the 15th century. |
Soru 9 |
Buhar gücüyle çalışan matbaaların icat edilmesiyle, büyük miktarda basılı malzemenin, daha önce olduğundan çok daha hızlı ve ucuza üretilmesi mümkün olmuştur.
A | With The invention of the steam-powered press, it was no longer as expensive to produce large volumes of printed materials as before, and it was also much quicker. |
B | It was only after the invention of the steam-powered press that large volumes of printed materials could be produced much more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. |
C | The invention of the steam-powered press made it easier to produce large volumes of printed materials a lot more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. |
D | With the invention of the steam-powered press, it became possible to produce large volumes of printed materials a lot more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. |
E | To produce large volumes of printed materials quickly and inexpensively was not possible before the invention of the steam-powered press, which changed the whole industry. |
Soru 10 |
Kumar borçlarını çabucak ödeyebilmek için zimmetine para geçirerek, sadece kendisinin değil tüm ailenin geleceğini tehlikeye attığının farkındaydı.
A | His embezzling money to be able to pay his gambling debts quickly had risked both his own and the whole family’s future, which he should have known. |
B | He should have known that, by embezzling money in order to pay his gambling debts quickly, he was risking both his own and the whole family's future. |
C | Although he was aware that he was risking not only his own but the whole family’s future, he went on embezzling money to be able to pay his gambling debts. |
D | He was aware that, by embezzling money to be able to pay his gambling debts quickly, he had risked not only his own but the whole family's future. |
E | He embezzled money in order to pay his gambling debts quickly, despite the fact that he had risked his future as well as the whole family's. |
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