Translate Testleri 10
Translate Testleri 10
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Soru 1 |
Stresle ilişkili rahatsızlıklar tüm hastalıkların yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini oluşturmaktadır.
A | Stress-related disorders compose approximately 70 percent of all illnesses. |
B | Nearly 70 percent of all illnesses result from stress-related disorders. |
C | It is claimed that 70 percent of all illnesses develop from causes related to stress. |
D | About 70 percent of all illnesses have been found to be related to stress. |
E | Of all the known illnesses, almost 70 percent are stress-related |
Soru 2 |
Giysilerimiz gibi kuşların tüyleri de yıpranır, ve en azından senede bir kez yenilenmeleri gerekir.
A | Birds' feathers need to be replaced every year because they wear out like our clothes. |
B | Birds’ feathers also wear out. as our clothes do, and need to be replaced at least once a year. |
C | Birds replace their worn-out feathers at least once a year, just as we change our clothes. |
D | Birds’ replacing their worn-out feathers at least once a year can be likened to our changing clothes. |
E | Birds need to replace their feathers once a year because, like our clothes, they wear out. |
Soru 3 |
Hiçbir şey ağlayan bebekleri, onları kucağmıza almaktan ve şefkatle okşamaktan daha çabuk sakinleştiremez.
A | If you hold crying babies in your arms and cuddle them affectionately, they will feel better quickly. |
B | Nothing can soothe crying babies faster than holding them in your arms and cuddling them affectionately. |
C | You shoud hold crying babies in your arms and cuddle them tenderly in order to soothe them quickly. |
D | You cannot do anything to console a ciying baby unless you hold it in your arms and cuddle it tenderly.
E | Nobody can find a faster way to soothe a crying baby than holding it in their arms and cuddling it lovingly. |
Soru 4 |
Bu filmde, Çin halkının yaşanılan ve umutlan gerçeküstücülük akımına bağlı bir bakış açısıyla yansıtılmıştır.
A | This film depicts the lives and hopes of the Chinese people with a perspective devoted to the movement of surrealism. |
B | The lives and hopes of the Chinese people are filmed by a director who is dedicated to the movement of surrealism. |
C | Only a perspective committed to the movement of surrealism can truly reflect the lives and hopes of the Chinese people in this film. |
D | In this film, the lives and hopes of the Chinese people are reflected with a perspective committed to the movement of surrealism. |
E | There is a film which portrays the lives and hopes of the Chinese people with a perspective committed to the movement of surrealism. |
Soru 5 |
Çok az tema, bu kadar çok önemli sanat eserine Noel anlatısı ve törenleri kadar ilham vermiştir.
A | There are so many great works of art inspired by the Christmas narrative and its ceremonies. |
B | So many great works of art have the Christmas narrative or ceremonies as their themes. |
C | Few themes have inspired so many great works of art as the Christmas narrative and its ceremonies. |
D | A few Christmas themes, such as the narrative itself and its rites, have inspired numerous art works. |
E | One of the most popular themes for art works is the Christmas narrative and its rituals. |
Soru 6 |
Bütün kıtalar arasında yalnızca Antarktika Avustralya’dan daha az yağış alır.
A | Antarctica and Australia are the continents which receive the least precipitation. |
B | Among all the continents, only Antarctica receives less precipitation than Australia. |
C | Antarctica is the only continent receiving veiy little precipitation besides Australia. |
D | Antarctica receives less precipitation than Australia but more than all the other continents. |
E | The other continent receiving as little precipitation as Australia is Antarctica. |
Soru 7 |
19. yüzyılın ortalarında Amerika’ya giden pek çok göçmen orada, anavatanlannda onlardan esirgenen bir siyasal özgürlük bulmuştur.
A | Many immigrants arrived in America in the mid-19th century in order to enjoy the political freedom that had been denied to them in their motherlands. |
B | Many immigrants went to America in the mid-19th century, in the hope that there they would find a political freedom that was non-existent in their homelands. |
C | America provided political freedom for many of the immigrants who had left their native lands in the mid-19th centuiy. |
D | Many immigrants going to America in the mid-19th century found there a political freedom that had been denied to them in their native lands. |
E | Lots of immigrants who sought a political freedom absent in their native lands decided to go to America in the mid- 19th century. |
Soru 8 |
Bazı böcekler hayatlarının yalnızca bir döneminde ipek üretirken örümcekler hayatları boyunca ipek üretebilir.
A | Whereas some insects produce silk during only one stage of their lives, spiders can produce silk throughout their lives. |
B | Unlike spiders, which can produce silk throughout their lives, some insects produce silk during only one stage of their lives. |
C | Among the silk-producing insects, only spiders can produce silk throughout their lives, while the others can only do this during one stage of their lives. |
D | Spiders, being different from insects that produce silk from time to time, can produce silk throughout their lifetimes. |
E | Some insects can only produce silk at one stage of their lives, though most spiders produce silk throughout their lifetimes. |
Soru 9 |
Olimpiyat Oyunları'nm amacı, devletler arasındaki anlaşmazlıkları körüklemek yerine halklar arasındaki dostluğu geliştirmektir.
A | The Olympic Games aim to promote friendship among peoples and to put an end to the disagreements between nations. |
B | The purpose of the Olympic Games is to promote friendship among peoples rather than incite the disagreements between nations. |
C | The Olympic Games are designed to encourage friendship among peoples, not to arouse hostility between nations. |
D | The objective of the Olympic Games is to develop friendship among nations and to eliminate the disagreements between nations. |
E | Through the Olympic Games, the friendship among peoples can be encouraged, despite the conflicts between nations. |
Soru 10 |
Paris'e yaptığı ziyaretler, onun Jean Arp ve Pablo Picasso gibi Avrupalı çağdaşlarının eserleriyle tanışmasını sağlayarak sanatsal bakış açısını genişletmiştir.
A | After he was introduced to the European contemporary artists such as Jean Arp and Picasso while in Paris, he was able to broaden his artistic point of view considerably. |
B | He was made aware of the works of such European contemporaries as Jean Arp and Pablo Picasso during the visits he made to Paris, which broadened his artistic viewpoint. |
C | His getting acquainted with the works of such European contemporary artists as Jean Arp and Pablo Picasso broadened his horizons after he made several visits to Paris. |
D | His artistic viewpoint was broadened by the visits he made to Paris, where he came into contact with the works of such contemporary European artists as Jean Arp and Pablo Picasso. |
E | The visits he made to Paris broadened his artistic viewpoint by bringing him into contact with the works of such European contemporaries as Jean Arp and Pablo Picasso. |
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