Relative Clauses Testleri 23
Relative Clauses Testleri 23
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Soru 1 |
Hava yastıklarının kullanıma sunulmasından sonra araba kazalarında Ölüm riskinin yüzde 40 oranında azalacağı tahmininin fazla iyimser olduğu anlaşıldı.
A | It was hoped that the installation of air bags in vehicles would reduce the number of car accident fatalities by 40 percent, but this was too oplimistic. |
B | Experts had predicted that deaths from car accidents would fall by 40 percent after the introduction of air bags, but this hasn’t been realised. |
C | Upon the introduction of air bags. the prediction that risk of death in car accidents would decline by 40 percent turned out. to be overly optimistic. |
D | Since their inLroduction, air bags have reduced Lhe risk of dealh in car accidents, but not by the optimistic 40 percent as predicted. |
E | Predictions that the introduction of air bags would result in a 40 percent fall in the risk of death in collisions were unrealistic. |
Soru 2 |
1920'lerde tango, Arjantin'in ulusal müziği olmuş ve Buenos Aires'ten, geniş bir taraftar kazandığı Avrupa şehirlerine yayılmıştı.
A | Although the tango is the national music of Argentina, by the 1920s, it had spread via Buenos Aires to European cities, where it quickly attracted a huge following. |
B | During the 1920s, the tango, which had originated in Buenos Aires as the national music of Argentina, gained a widespread following in Europe. |
C | By the 1920s, the tango had become the national music of Argentina and spread from Buenos Aires to European cities, where it gained a widespread following. |
D | The tango, which had become the national music of Argentina by the 1920s and spread from Buenos Aires to European cities, has gained a huge worldwide following. |
E | The tango was the national music of Argentina by the 1920s, but it had a larger following in European cities than in Buenos Aires. |
Soru 3 |
1963'te yazarın ilk çocuğu aşırı derecede zeka özürlü olarak dünyaya geldi, ki bu onun yaşamında ve eserlerinde uzun süre etkili olacak bir olaydı.
A | The fact that his first child, who was born in 1963, was severely mentally impaired affected both the author's life and work. |
B | The birth of his first child in 1963 had a huge impact on the author’s life and work as the infant was profoundly mentally impaired. |
C | In 1963 the author’s life and work were deeply affected by the birth of his first child, who had serious mental problems. |
D | In 1963 the author's first child was born severely mentally impaired, an event which was to have a lasting influence on his life and work. |
E | The event that influenced the author’s life and work for a long time was the birth, in 1963, of his first son, who was mentally impaired. |
Soru 4 |
II. Dünya Savaşı’nm ardından siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunlarla güçsüzleşen İngiltere, Avrupa'da endüstriyel güç olarak öneminin büyük bölümünü diğer ülkelere kaptırdı.
A | ît was the strains of World War II, political unrest, economic instability and social problems that led to other European countries becoming more industrially important than England. |
B | After World War 11, which had brought political, economic and social problems to the country, England was no longer the European industrial power she once was. |
C | Following the effects of World War 11, which had weakened England politically, economically and socially, other European countries took over her industrial power. |
D | England had once been Europe’s industrial power, but the strains of World War 11 coupled with problems of a political, economic and social nature had resulted in other countries becoming more important. |
E | Weakened by political, economic and social problems following World War
II. England lost much of its importance as an industrial power in Europe to other countries. |
Soru 5 |
Çağdaşı birçok oyun yazarı ile karşılaştırıldığında, Amerikalı romancı Thornton Wilder insanlık üzerine oldukça iyimser bir bakış açısı sergilemiştir.
A | The comparatively optimistic outlook on humanity presented by the American novelist Thornton Wilder was unlike the views of many of his contemporary playwrights. |
B | The American novelist Thornton Wilder was not as pessimistic about the outlook for humanity as many of his contemporary playwrights. |
C | The American novelist Thornton Wilder presented an optimistic outlook on humanity, as did many of his contemporary playwrights. |
D | The American novelist Thornton Wilder presented a more optimistic view of humanity than did many of his contemporary playwrights. |
E | The American novelist Thornton Wilder, compared with many of his contemporary playwrights, presented an outlook on humanity that was relatively optimistic. |
Soru 6 |
Kenzaburo Oe öncelikle Japon okuyucusu için yazdı; bu yüzden de birçok eserinin çevirisinin çıkması oldukça uzun sürdü.
A | Not ali of Kenzaburo Oe's works have been translated into other languages as his novels are primarily only of interest to a Japanese readership. |
B | Because Kenzaburo Oe wrote mainly for Japanese readers, many of his works weren’t translated until recently. |
C | Kenzaburo Oe wrote primarily for a Japanese readership, so translations of many of his works took quite some time to come out. |
D | Kenzaburo Oe wrote novels primarily for Japanese readers, so publishers were slow to make translations of most of his works. |
E | Kenzaburo Oe wrote in Japanese, but many of his works have eventually been translated for a foreign readership. |
Soru 7 |
İngiliz yazar Aldous Leonard Huxley doktor olmayı planlıyordu, fakat onu geçici olarak ama bırakan bir hastalık bu planları değiştirdi.
A | The English writer Aldous Leonard Huxley would have become a doctor if he hadn't suffered an illness which left him partially blind. |
B | The English writer Aldous Leonard Huxley planned to become a doctor, but an illness that left him temporarily blind changed those plans. |
C | Aldous Leonard Huxley’s plans to become a doctor were changed by an illness that resulted in temporary blindness, so he became a writer instead. |
D | The English writer Aldous Leonard Huxley had been a doctor until an illness changed this by leaving him temporarily blind. |
E | An illness that resulted in temporary blindness made the English writer Aldous Leonard Huxley change his plans about becoming a doctor.
Soru 8 |
Rumenler, kendilerini İslav ve Macar komşularından ayırt eden Latin mirasıyla gurur duyarlar.
A | Romanians have neither Slav nor Hungarian origins; instead, their heritage, of which they are proud, is Latin. |
B | Romanians have a proud Latin heritage and are distinct from their neighbours who are Slavs and Hungarians. |
C | The people of Romania are proud of their Latin history, which sets them apart from both Slav and Hungarian neighbours. |
D | The Romanians are proud of their Latin heritage, which distinguishes them from their Slav and Hungarian neighbours. |
E | Romanians are a proud people of Latin heritage who have Slavs and Hungarians as their neighbours. |
Soru 9 |
İnsanüstü güçlere sahip kişiler hakkında öyküler hemen hemen tüm eski uygarlıklarda ortak bir konudur.
A | Stories about individuals possessing superhuman powers are a subject common to nearly all ancient civilisations. |
B | Almost all ancient civilisations had tales with shared subjects of people possessing superhuman powers. |
C | The mythology of all ancient civilisations contains stories of individuals with superhuman powers. |
D | It was not uncommon for the storytellers of ancient civilisations to give characters superhuman powers. |
E | Beliefs about individuals having superhuman powers weren't uncommon in most ancient civilisations. |
Soru 10 |
Vodvil, bar sahiplerinin ücretsiz gösterilerle müşteri çekme çabalarından doğan Amerika'ya özgü bir eğlence biçimiydi.
A | Vaudeville was a homegrown American entertainment, which began when saloon owners made ellorts to attract customers by putting on free shows. |
B | Vaudeville, a form of entertainment, originated in America when saloon owners attempted to attract customers with free shows. |
C | Vaudeville was an indigenous American form of entertainment that grew outofsaloon owners’ efforts to attract customers with free shows. |
D | The indigenous American entertainment form Vaudeville grew out of free shows that saloon owners would put on to attract customers. |
E | Eventually, the free shows that saloon owners put on for customers grew into the indigenous American entertainment form known as Vaudeville. |
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