Noun Clauses and Indirect Speech Testleri 6
Noun Clauses and Indirect Speech Testleri 6
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Soru 1 |
Following the end of the civil war, the Angolan authorities acknowledge
A | why haven't people been told that their children are still alive |
B | that the number of children on the missing list doesn't represent the true number |
C | how many children are still missing |
D | who believe there are several thousand children still to be reunited with their parents or relatives |
E | which television station is presenting the names and pictures of missing children |
Soru 2 |
........... so the police will send them to the forensic science laboratory.
A | The items found in the car indicate that they belonged to the kidnappers |
B | Now its clear who carried out the kidnapping of the teenager |
C | The police admitted that they should have searched the man’s house |
D | The police guidelines stipulate that they requested a search warrant |
E | The kidnapper pretended that the girl was still alive by playing tapes of her voice |
Soru 3 |
........ was his only wish.
A | Which school will he send his son to |
B | Without knowing whether his wife was dead or alive |
C | What brand of perfume does his wife usually wear |
D | However he hadn’t contacted the police yet |
E | That his daughter would be found alive and well |
Soru 4 |
.......... is the subject of a book.
A | Since he fled his country in fear for Portugal over ten years ago |
B | Whenever he represents his country abroad |
C | When will his story be made public |
D | How he was tortured, exiled and relumed to East Timor |
E | Every time his name is mentioned in the media |
Soru 5 |
.......... is not our concern. This is an important investigation and you have to stay at work.
A | The fact that you have been invited to a party |
B | If you have a pressing engagement somewhere else |
C | Where we suspect the murder weapon is hidden |
D | What exactly we are going to be looking for |
E | Who do you want in the search team |
Soru 6 |
Başarılı bir ev iç dekorasyonu yaratmak için, iç mimar ile müşteri, ne istendiğini ve ne kadar para harcanabileceğini anlamak için birbirlerini yeterince iyi tanımalıdırlar.
A | The creation of a successful interior design for the home requires an understanding between the designer and the customer of the desired effect and how much money is available.
B | A successful interior design for the home can only be accomplished if the designer and the client form a relationship and understand what is wanted and the purchaser’s budget. |
C | To create a successful home interior design, the designer and client must get to know each other well enough to understand what is wanted and how much money can be spent. |
D | To decorate a home successfully, a client needs to find a designer who will understand what is wanted and how much the client is willing to spend. |
E | Successful home interior designs can be created when the designer and the homeowner form an understanding of the desired effect and the client's maximum budget. |
Soru 7 |
Toplantıyı neden erteledikleri konusunda Başkan'm yaptığı açıklamayı üyelerin büyük çoğunluğu pek inandırıcı bulmadı.
A | Some members, but not the majority,' believed the Chairman’s explanation about his reasons for postponing the meeting. |
B | The majority of the members didn’t find the Chairman's explanation about why they postponed the meeting very convincing. |
C | The Chairman didn’t manage to convince many of the members with his explanation about why the meeting had had to be postponed. |
D | The Chairman gave an explanation as to why he had postponed the meeting, which didn't convince the majority of the members. |
E | Although the Chairman explained the reasons for postponing the meeting, the majority of the members remained unconvinced. |
Soru 8 |
Başaracağından hiç kuşkum yoktu; çünkü amacına ulaşmak için ne gerekiyorsa yapacağını biliyordum.
A | I had no doubt that she would succeed as I knew she would do whatever was needed to attain her aim. |
B | She will no doubt be able to succeed as I know she is capable of doing whatever is needed to achieve the aim. |
C | I was certain that she would succeed, knowing her to be able to do whatever was required in the attainment of her aim. |
D | I didn’t once doubt her ability to succeed as I was aware she could do whatever was necessary to achieve her goal. |
E | I am certain that her success was due to her willingness to do whatever was necessary to achieve her ambition. |
Soru 9 |
Onun yerinde olsaydım ne yapardım bilmiyorum.
A | I don’t know what he should do in the circumstances. |
B | I couldn't say what I would do if I were in his position. |
C | It is difficult to say what one should do in his situation. |
D | I don’t know what I would do if I were in his position. |
E | Were I in his position, I would have difficulty deciding what to do. |
Soru 10 |
Chicago'yu ilginç bir şehir yapan, çağdaş dizayndaki eğilimleri yansıtan mimarisidir.
A | Chicago is made more interesting by its architecture, which is representative of modern design trends. |
B | The architecture in Chicago, which reflects trends in modem design, makes it an interesting city. |
C | The most interesting feature in Chicago is the architecture which exemplifies trends in modern design. |
D | Interesting trends in contemporary architectural design can be seen in Chicago. |
E | What makes Chicago an interesting city is its architecture, which reflects trends in modern design. |
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