Noun Clauses and Indirect Speech Testleri 14
Noun Clauses and Indirect Speech Testleri 14
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Soru 1 |
0 tamamen hurdaya dönmüş arabadan hepsinin en ufak bir yara almadan çıkmış olması gerçek bir mucize değil mi?
A | Although the car ended up as a total wreck, surprisingly, no one was seriously injured, were they? |
B | It is really amazing that everyone came out of that car which was completely wrecked uninjured, don't you think? |
C | It is a real miracle that they all came out of that car which was totally wrecked without getting the slightest injury, isn't it? |
D | Judging by the state of the car, which ended up as a total wreck, it would have been a miracle if they all had come out without being injured at all. |
E | Miraculously, all of them came out of the wrecked car unhurt, didn’t they? |
Soru 2 |
Merkeze telefon edip ertelenen toplantının ne zaman yapılacağım sordum.
A | I phoned the headquarters in order to find out when the meeting that had been postponed was going to be held. |
B | I phoned the headquarters and asked when the meeting that had been put off was going to be held. |
C | I was informed by the headquarters of the date when the meeting that had been put off was going to be held. |
D | The meeting had been postponed, so I had to phone the headquarters to ask when it was going to be held. |
E | I found out when the meeting that had been put off was going to be held by phoning the headquarters. |
Soru 3 |
Personel müdürlüğü için patronun hangimizi düşündüğünü hepimiz merak ediyoruz.
A | We all wonder which of us the boss is considering for the position of personnel manager. |
B | I wonder, like all, which of us the boss is going to choose for the position of personnel manager. |
C | We all wonder whether the boss is considering one of us for the position of personnel manager. |
D | Everyone is wondering which of us the boss has chosen for the position of personnel manager.
E | We can’t help but wonder which employee the boss is considering for the position of personnel manager.
Soru 4 |
Eski Maya İmparatorluğumun neden çöktüğünü ve şehirlerinin, 19. yüzyılda yeniden keşfedilene dek, nasıl ormanla örtülü kaldığını kimse bilmiyor.
A | No one is sure how the Old Mayan Empire declined and the cities were hidden by the forest until rediscovery in the 19th century. |
B | It is a mystery why the Old Mayan Empire declined and its cities were covered by forest until they were rediscovered in the 19th century. |
C | No one knows why the Old Mayan Empire declined and how its cities remained covered by forest until rediscovery in the 19th century. |
D | Until the 19th century, when they were rediscovered, the cities of the Old Mayan Empire were hidden in deep forest, but no one is sure why they declined. |
E | For reasons unknown today, the Old Mayan Empire with it cities declined and was covered by the forest until rediscovery in the 19th century. |
Soru 5 |
Bu arabayı bu fiyata almanın iyi bir alışveriş olup olmadığını anlamak için birkaç kişinin daha fikrini sorman gerekir.
A | I suggest that you seek the opinion of some more people about whether it is a good deal to buy this car at this price. |
B | You should ask for the opinion of a few more people to see whether it is a good deal to buy this car at this price. |
C | Before buying this car at this price, you should ask a few more people whether they think it is a good deal. |
D | This car at this price may be a good deal, but I would ask for the opinion of a couple more people, if I were you. |
E | Don’t you think you should ask for a few people’s opinions to see whether they feel it is a good deal to buy this car at this price? |
Soru 6 |
Eski astronomlar, gök cisimlerinin konumlarının dünyada neler olacağını gösterdiğine inanıyorlardı.
A | The ancient astronomers claimed that the positions of celestial bodies determined what was going to happen on the Earth. |
B | It was the belief of the ancient astronomers that the movements of celestial bodies showed what was going to happen on the Earth. |
C | The ancient astronomers used the positions of celestial bodies to predict what was going to happen on the Earth. |
D | The ancient astronomers believed tliat the key to what was going to happen on the Earth could be found in the positions of celestial bodies. |
E | The ancient astronomers believed that the positions of celestial bodies revealed what was going to happen on the Earth. |
Soru 7 |
Cuma akşamı vereceğin partiye katılıp katılamayacağım, o gün işten kaçta çıkacağıma bağlı gibi görünüyor.
A | I might be able to attend your party on Friday night, but it depends on what time I’ll be able to leave work that day. |
B | I'll be able to attend your party on Friday night provided that I can leave work on time that day. |
C | I hope to be able to attend your party on Friday night, but it depends on whether I'll leave work on time that day. |
D | Whether I’ll be able to attend your party on Friday night or not appears to be dependent on what time I'll leave work that day. |
E | I may or may not attend your party on Friday night, which will be determined by how early I can leave work ihat day. |
Soru 8 |
İşten ayrılmaya karar verdiğini ve onu etkilemek için ne dersek diyelim, bu kararından asla vazgeçmeyeceğini söyledi.
A | He said that he had decided to quit work and that he would never change his mind whatever we said to influence him. |
B | He was determined to quit work and wouldn't change his mind whatever we said to try to influence him. |
C | However much we tried to influence him, he had decided to quit work and said that he would never change his mind. |
D | No matter what anyone said to influence him, he was determined to leave work and wasn’t about to change his mind. |
E | He said that he had decided to quit work despite our trying to influence him to change his mind. |
Soru 9 |
Turistler sarayın bazı bölümlerini neden göremedikleri konusunda rehberden bir açıklama istediler.
A | The guide informed the tourists that they were not allowed to view some sections of the palace, but he gave an inadequate explanation of this. |
B | The tourists were given an explanation from the guide about why they were unable to see certain areas of the palace. |
C | The tourists were not allowed to view certain areas of the palace and they asked the guide to explain the reasons for this. |
D | The tourists demanded an explanation from the guide about why they were unable to see certain sections of the palace. |
E | The guide demanded an explanation as to why the tourists had only been permitted to see certain sections of the palace. |
Soru 10 |
Bizimle iş birliği yapmayı reddettiler ama nedenlerini söylemediler.
A | No reasons were given for their refusal to work in partnership with us. |
B | They gave no reason for their complete refusal to collaborate with us. |
C | They refused to collaborate with us, but they didn't state their reasons. |
D | We refused to collaborate with them because they were completely unreasonable. |
E | Their refusal to collaborate with us was entirely unreasonable. |
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