İngilizce Pratik Testleri 6
İngilizce Pratik Testleri 6
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Soru 1 |
(I) Woodcraft is the knowledge of forest conditions, which enables one to enjoy and to supply oneself with the primitive comforts of life in the wilderness, (II) It includes a sufficient knowledge of mechanics to enable one to manufacture tools and weapons. (III) A widely used tool and weapon with a wide variety of uses is the stone axe. (IV) Building rafts and canoes of logs is also an essential skill to survive in the forest. (V) However, probably the most important is to tight a fire and maintain it for cooking, warmtli and protection from the wild animals.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 2 |
(I) The better educated have always been wealthier than uneducated people. (II) The beginnings of modem adult education for large numbers of people occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. (III) Great economic and social changes were taking place: people were moving from rural areas to cities, and new types of work were being instituted in an expanding factory system. (IV) Also, more people were being allowed to vote in elections, which required them to be literate. (V) These and other factors produced a need for further education, and in some cases, re-education of adult populations.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 3 |
(I) Violent behaviour in children can nearly always be linked to violence in the home. (II) If there is no explanation for aggressive behaviour, doctors generally blame his behaviour on a chemical imbalance. (III) As most psychologists believe violence is an acquired rather than innate human characteristic. (IV) So, they conclude, the violent you tli must have learned this behaviour somewhere. (V) Because the home is the most influential environment upon child's development, this is the first place psychologists look to account for the violent behaviour.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 4 |
(I) After the Civil War in America, there was an increased national self-consciousness, and efforts were made to protect the language. (II) Every group of immigrants from Europe brought with them their own language to the Americas. (III) A group of professional grammarians arose, led by Richard Grant White, and it got help from intellectuals. (IV) The campaign went to great lengths. (V) In polite usage, for example, the pronunciation of the word "either'', as eye-ther, was replaced by ee-ther, though the former is correct and the latter is an American peculiarity.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 5 |
(I) There are many desirable benefits to be gained from eating broccoli and other fruits and vegetables. (II) Broccoli is a variety of cauliflower with green, loosely clustered flowers, and it thrives in moderate to cool climates. (III) It is originally native to the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. (IV) The plant was first cultivated in Italy in ancient Roman times and was introduced into England in about 1720. (V) America met with broccoli probably in the colonial times.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 6 |
(I) The earliest references to billiards in Europe occur in the 15th century, (II) Many countries, among which are France, England, China, Italy and Spain, have been credited with the invention of the game. (III) Yet the origin of billiards is not definitely known. (IV) It might be that it developed from a variety of games in which moving a ball forward was the main purpose. (V) it is, however, a game that provides an unusual challenge to eye-hand coordination.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V
Soru 7 |
(I) Already unique among pop stars because of her unlikely origins, Bjork went a step farther in 1995 in her solo career. (II) She created for herself a distinct musical identity that surpassed mere geographic boundaries. (III) With Bjork as lead vocalist, the Sugarcubes won acclaim in the UK with their single "Birthday". (IV) The Iceland native was employing spectacular vocal gymnastics and an insatiable desire for experimentation. (V) It was these features that carried her from the punk-rock clubs of her native land to international recognition and critical acclaim.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 8 |
(I) About 400 BC, an arm of Celts settled in Brittany, now a region of France. (II) The Celts brought many new skills to the peoples they conquered, (III) Conquered by Julius Caesar in 56 BC, the region then became part of the Roman Empire. (IV) The Celts of Brittany, however, were never more than superficially Romanised. (V) They managed to keep their distinctive traits and languages.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 9 |
(I) Long ago, bey was a title among Turkish peoples, traditionally given to rulers of small tribal groups, to members of ruling families and to important officials. (II) It was Osman Bey, who, early in the 14th century, founded an empire in western Anatolia that was to endure for almost six centuries. (III) Under the Ottoman Empire, a bey was the governor of a province, distinguished by his own flag. (IV) Later "bey" became a general title of respect in Turkish, added after a man’s personal name. (V) In the 20th-century Turkish Republic, bey, though surviving in polite conversation, was replaced by bay before the name, which is equivalent to "Mr".
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
Soru 10 |
(I) In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, religion has traditionally been defined as belief in and worship of one God. (II) Three of the world’s major religions regard Jerusalem as a holy city. (III) The city has served as the center of Jewish life for 3,000 years. (IV) To Christians it is sacred as it was the city where Jesus preached. (V) In the religion of Islam, Jerusalem is nearly as sacred as the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | IV |
E | V |
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