Grammar Testleri 9
Grammar Testleri 9
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Soru 1 |
Everyone was upset at ....... it took the fire-fighters to arrive on the scene.
A | how much |
B | how far |
C | how long |
D | how many |
E | how fast |
Soru 2 |
Higher education used to be free in the United Kingdom, but students now have to take out loans in order to pay their fees, .........?
A | didn’t it |
B | aren’t they |
C | don’t they |
D | did it |
E | do they |
Soru 3 |
Although I am not ....... enthusiastic about the new plan ....... you axe, I think it is a little better than the old one.
A | such an/that |
B | as/as |
C | the most/as |
D | too/for |
E | so/that |
Soru 4 |
France is opposed to the US Middle Eastern policy, and ....... is Germany.
A | too |
B | as |
C | as well |
D | so |
E | either |
Soru 5 |
If only we had defended a little.....skilfully, we would not have lost ...... badly.
A | too/too |
B | so/the most |
C | as/more |
D | such/as |
E | more/so |
Soru 6 |
Since her father ......... two years ago, she .......... it upon herself to support the family.
A | had died/was taking |
B | would die/should take |
C | died/has taken |
D | has died/has been taking |
E | was dying/would take |
Soru 7 |
I wish I ....... at university instead of starting work straight out of school.
A | had studied |
B | will study |
C | can study |
D | studied |
E | would study |
Soru 8 |
I’m sorry, but Mr Jones ....... the office, and I don’t think he ....... before five o’clock.
A | leaves/is going to return |
B | left/has returned |
C | was leaving/returns |
D | had left/is returning |
E | has left/will return |
Soru 9 |
Though disappointed by his failure, James reaffirmed that he ....... until he ....... the university of his choice.
A | won’t give up/entered |
B | wouldn’t give up/had entered |
C | can’t give up/will be entering |
D | shouldn’t give up/was entering |
E | hasn’t given up/will have entered |
Soru 10 |
....... successful in show business has a lot of disadvantages, such as ....... around by photographers wherever you go.
A | To be/following |
B | Having been/to have followed |
C | Being/being followed |
D | To have been/follow |
E | Been/having been followed |
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