Grammar Testleri 21
Grammar Testleri 21
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Soru 1 |
Now that you.........the promotion, to prove yourself as a manager.
A | were accepting/will expect |
B | have accepted/will be expecting |
C | had accepted/would be expecting |
D | accepted/have expected |
E | would accept/were expecting |
Soru 2 |
Sid was not adventurous abseiling the cliff and James was too proud.........he was frightened.
A | to participate/to admit |
B | participating/having admitted |
C | participate/to have admitted |
D | having participated/admit |
E | participated/admitting |
Soru 3 |
Giorgio Armani,..........suits are worn by the rich and famous, usually wears a black T-shirt and casual trousers at his island home on Pantelleria.
A | whose |
B | that |
C | which |
D | when |
E | whom |
Soru 4 |
Do this exercise at your own pace, but try to do..........ten.
A | every other |
B | any more |
C | plenty of |
D | at least |
E | every |
Soru 5 |
Ryan Giggs........... as if he............fully from his injury and the manager took him off after twenty-five minutes.
A | is playing/wasn't recovering |
B | played/isn’t recovering |
C | was playing/hadn’t recovered |
D | has been playing/didn’t recover |
E | plays/won’t have recovered |
Soru 6 |
If you..........this exercise regularly for a while, getting cramp.
A | are doing/stops |
B | do/can stop |
C | can do/has stopped |
D | will do/is stopping |
E | did/will be stopping |
Soru 7 |
You should always do some warm up exercises,..........what sport you are going to play.
A | although |
B | in case |
C | however |
D | besides |
E | no matter |
Soru 8 |
If such a desperate situation, to apply to that company as they have a bad reputation for exploiting people.
A | couldn’t be/weren’t recommending |
B | hadn't been/won’t have recommended |
C | won’t be/shouldn’t recommend |
D | wouldn’t be/haven’t recommended |
E | weren’t/wouldn't recommend |
Soru 9 |
I wasn’t wearing a watch, but as there was no one at the bus stop, I assumed that I..........the bus.
A | must have missed |
B | was missing |
C | ought to miss |
D | might be missing |
E | used to miss |
Soru 10 |
Domestic violence..........affects the victim,..........has a profound impact on witnesses, such as children.
A | whether/or |
B | so/that |
C | not only /but also |
D | the most/as well |
E | hardly/when |
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