Confusing Words Testleri 3
Confusing Words Testleri 3
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Soru 1 |
I wouldn’t have youx hair cut at that salon as it is absolutely ........... They rarely sweep the floor and the towels are supposed to be white, but they appear grey.
A | muddy |
B | greedy |
C | stylish |
D | terrific |
E | filthy |
Soru 2 |
Tesco supermarkets are so busy that they have ten to fifteen .......... on duty at any one time.
A | investors |
B | nominees |
C | rescuers |
D | cashiers |
E | travellers |
Soru 3 |
When I was told that Ayran was watery, salty yoghurt, I ......... something quite undrinkable, but upon tasting it, I found it quite refreshing.
A | imagined |
B | reminded |
C | discovered |
D | formulated |
E | hesitated |
Soru 4 |
A recent oil spill off the coast of Spain has .......... miles of once idyllic coastline.
A | explored |
B | contaminated |
C | disrespected |
D | strained |
E | decorated |
Soru 5 |
There has been a .......... change in Hose's mood since her engagement. She is always happy and smiling now and can't stop talking about her future plans.
A | noticeable |
B | relevant |
C | descending |
D | negligible |
E | pessimistic |
Soru 6 |
The African politician Etienne Tshisekedi worked for years inside the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko, then made a complete ........... and spent decades fighting that government.
A | reversal |
B | recession |
C | decline |
D | retreat |
E | derivation |
Soru 7 |
I wish those boys would stop tormenting that poor .......... puppy.
A | limitless |
B | merciless |
C | defenceless |
D | fruitless |
E | baseless |
Soru 8 |
Timothy is so .......... that he prefers to live on state unemployment benefit than to apply for work.
A | idle |
B | crafty |
C | cunning |
D | negligent |
E | restful |
Soru 9 |
The USA is the most powerful nation in the world and is often ........... to as a superpower.
A | dedicated |
B | referred |
C | confirmed |
D | targeted |
E | confessed |
Soru 10 |
In the café at the end of my street, there have been some ........... changes under the new management, such as the decoration, but the menu is practically the same.
A | consistent |
B | durable |
C | enormous |
D | arguable |
E | superficial |
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